§ 18-1-22. Parking Prohibited: Winter, Maintenance, and Emergency Parking Bans.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:


    Authorized official. Authorized official shall mean the City Manager or his/her designee(s).


    Winter highway maintenance. Winter highway maintenance shall include snow or ice removal, plowing, application of chemicals or abrasives, and any other operation required to improve the travel safety of City streets.


    Declaration of Winter Parking Ban. The City Manager or his designees are empowered to declare a winter parking ban whenever the existing conditions warrant or weather forecasts predicting snowfall, sleet, or freezing rain indicate that execution of necessary winter highway maintenance activities will require prohibition of parking on city streets. With as much advanced warning as practical, the City shall make reasonable efforts to notify the public of the winter parking ban. Efforts to notify the public may include posting of the ban on the City's website, Concord TV, as well as providing notice to local media outlets in accordance with policies implemented by the City Manager. Unless otherwise declared by the City Manager or his Designee, Winter Parking Bans shall commence at 12:00 a.m. [midnight] and shall remain in effect until 7:00 a.m. the following morning unless otherwise specified. Notification of the termination of a winter parking ban shall be the same as for its declaration.


    Declaration of Maintenance Parking Ban. The City Manager or his/her designees are empowered to declare a maintenance parking ban to facilitate maintenance of public or private infrastructure within or adjacent to all public rights-of-way. With as much advanced warning as practical, the City shall make reasonable efforts to notify the public of the parking ban. The public notification process shall be the same used for in Section 18-1-22(b). The City Manager or his/her designee shall specify the start time and duration of all maintenance parking bans. Notification of the termination of a maintenance parking ban shall be the same as for its declaration.


    Declaration of Emergency Parking Ban. The City Manager or his/her designees are empowered to declare an emergency parking ban when situations exist which may threaten public health, safety, or welfare. With as much advanced warning as practical, the City shall make reasonable efforts to notify the public of the parking ban. The public notification process shall be the same used for in Section 18-1-22(b). The City Manager or his/her designee shall specify the start time and duration of all emergency parking bans. Notification of the termination of an emergency parking ban shall be the same as for its declaration.


    Parking Prohibited. During a winter parking ban, maintenance parking ban, or emergency parking ban, a person shall not park or leave any vehicle at any time upon any City street until the said parking ban has been terminated.


    Enforcement Procedures. A person who parks or leaves a vehicle on any City street in violation of this section shall be subject to the penalty provided for in Section 19-1-4, Procedure for Paying Penalties. An authorized official may cause a vehicle, parked in violation of this section that is not complying with any parking ban, or inhibiting winter highway maintenance, to be removed in accordance with the provisions of Section 19-1-5, Towing Vehicles Away.

(Ord. No. 2295, § I, 2-8-99; Ord. No. 2512, § I, 10-14-03; Ord. No. 2722, § I, 9-8-08; Ord. No. 2770, § I, 10-13-09)